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Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Let's be beastly to cops 4

1 comment:

  1. as blokes do, they never talk about it. When the biker cop wants some more he waits in the alleyway for his rookie mate to come off duty. The rookie sees him there in the dark, straddling his bike, his big legs wide, his helmet still on. The young guy goes up to him and feels the biker cop's balls. With his palm cupped he pats the biker's bollocks softly at first, building up in speed. Finally the biker grunts in pain. `Inside` the rookie whispers. The biker cocks his leg over the bike and follows his young mate into the sleazy basement flat for a couple of hours of the belt, the cane and agonising cum denial. He gets booted out of the flat when the rookie says he's got to go to bed, for work in the morning. The biker cop leaves, but it's a few minutes before the bike's engine kicks into life. The rookie knows that his older mate has had to finish himself off, out there in the dark, before he can hit the road. He sees the dried spunk all over the bike's petrol tank in the yard next morning, and knows it's been left there for him to see
